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Freedom of information

3 October 2014

This part has been superseded and the content moved to Part 3. For details on this change, please read on.

FOI guidelines paragraph comparison table — integration of Parts 3 and 8

The October 2014 revisions of the FOI guidelines involve structural changes. In particular, the former Parts 3 and 8 have been merged, resulting in a new consolidated Part 3. Some sections of the former Part 3 have also been moved to Part 2.

While the content from the former Part 8 remains largely the same, the order in which it is presented (in the new Part 3) has changed. Those changes aim to reflect the order of the FOI request lifecycle.

Information about the restructuring is given in the 2 tables below, principally through showing where paragraphs from the previous Part 3 and Part 8 have been moved to in the new Part 3 (and in Part 2 in a few cases). More information about the October 2014 FOI Guidelines revisions can be found in the Summary of Version Changes to s 93A Guidelines Table.

Comparison — old Part 3 to new Parts 2 and 3
Former Part 3 (Version 1.4, March 2014) Now… (in revised Parts 2 or 3, current from 3 October 2014)






[3.2]–[3.5] (with edits)






See [3.39]–[3.40], [3.44]






See [2.38]







[3.28]–[3.30], [3.32]

[3.48] (rewritten)


Deleted, see instead [3.122]–[3.123]












[3.54]–[3.55], see also [3.98]


[3.50], see also [3.57]




[3.49], [3.51]–[3.53]










[3.99] (see also expanded discussion of ‘substantial’ and ‘unreasonable’ effect at (3.100])


[3.102] (see also expanded discussion of other matters relevant to deciding if a practical refusal reason exists, at [3.103])




[3.107]–[3.110] (includes expanded discussion of merging of multiple requests from different applicants)




Deleted, see instead [3.100], [3.103], [3.105]




















[3.67] (now with table)



Comparison — old Part 8 to new Part 3
Former Part 8 (Version 1.1, March 2013) Now… (in new Part 3, current from 3 October 2014)














[3.85]–[3.90] (expanded discussion about obligation to prepare an edited copy of a document)


[3.80]–[3.84] (merged with information from former Part 3 about identifying, located and collating documents)








[3.120]–[3.124] (now includes a table on time of receipt based on mode of delivery)


[3.125]–[3.126] (paragraph preceding table has been shortened)












[3.167]–[3.181] (with edits)


[3.182]–[3.188] (expanded to include discussion of Collection Point Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2013] FCAFC 67)






[3.190]–[3.197] (with edits)