Information Commissioner review decisions

1 to 10 of 826 results


    Farrell and Department of Immigration and Border Protection (No. 2) [2014] AICmr 121


    10 Nov 2014

    Legislative provision

    ss 24, 24AA, 24AB

    Decision under review

    Access refusal

    IC review decision


    Catchword summary

    Whether work involved in processing request would substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of the agency from its other operations


    'CQ' and Department of Immigration and Border Protection [2014] AICmr 91


    4 Sep 2014

    Legislative provision

    s 47E

    Decision under review

    Access refusal

    IC review decision


    Catchword summary

    Certain operations of agencies – Whether disclosure would adversely affect operations of an agency – Whether disclosure would be contrary to the public interest.


    Krivoshev and Department of Human Services [2014] AICmr 48


    29 May 2014

    Legislative provision

    ss 11A(5), 22, 42, 47E

    Decision under review

    Access refusal

    IC review decision

    Set aside and substituted

    Catchword summary

    Legal professional privilege – Whether documents subject to legal professional privilege – Whether disclosure would have a substantial adverse effect on the proper and efficient conduct of the operations of an agency


    'BX' and Commonwealth Ombudsman [2014] AICmr 47


    28 May 2014

    Legislative provision

    ss 24A(1), 42, 45 (CTH) Freedom of Information Act 1982 ss 8, 35 (CTH) Ombudsman Act 1976

    Decision under review

    Access refusal

    IC review decision


    Catchword summary

    Legal professional privilege – Whether documents subject to legal professional privilege – Whether privilege in the documents waived – Implied waiver – Request for access to documents relating to an investigation by the Commonwealth Ombudsman – Whether material obtained in confidence – Whether documents exempt from release – Whether reasonable steps taken to find document


    Mentink and Australian Federal Police [2014] AICmr 67


    30 Jun 2014

    Legislative provision

    ss 11A(5), 24A, 47C, 47E(d), 47F

    Decision under review

    Access refusal

    IC review decision


    Catchword summary

    Whether reasonable steps taken to find documents – Whether document contains deliberative matter – Whether disclosure would have a substantial adverse effect on the proper and efficient conduct of the operations of an agency – Whether disclosure of personal information unreasonable – Whether contrary to public interest to release conditionally exempt document


    Fingal Head Community Association Inc and Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development [2014] AICmr 70


    16 Jul 2014

    Legislative provision

    ss 29(5)(a), 29(5)(b)

    Decision under review

    Access refusal

    IC review decision

    Set aside and substituted

    Catchword summary

    Charges – Whether charge has been wrongly assessed – Whether agency should exercise discretion to reduce or not impose charge


    'BV' and Superannuation Complaints Tribunal [2014] AICmr 45


    27 May 2014

    Legislative provision

    s 47F

    Decision under review

    Access refusal

    IC review decision


    Catchword summary

    Personal information – Whether documents contain personal information – Whether disclosure would be contrary to the public interest


    'CK' and Department of Human Services [2014] AICmr 83


    28 Aug 2014

    Legislative provision

    ss 29(5)(a), 29(5)(b)

    Decision under review

    Access refusal

    IC review decision

    Set aside and substituted

    Catchword summary

    Charges – Whether assessment of the amount of charge has been wrongly assessed – Whether agency should exercise discretion to reduce or not impose charge


    'CY' and Department of Immigration and Border Protection [2014] AICmr 101


    22 Sep 2014

    Legislative provision

    ss 48, 50, 55D

    Decision under review

    Access refusal

    IC review decision


    Catchword summary

    Amendment of personal records – Whether the information about the applicant's date of birth is incorrect – Whether it should be amended


    'CS' and Department of Immigration and Border Protection [2014] AICmr 93


    5 Sep 2014

    Legislative provision

    ss 24, 24AA, 24AB

    Decision under review

    Access refusal

    IC review decision


    Catchword summary

    Whether processing request would involve a substantial and unreasonable diversion of resources – Whether a request consultation process has been undertaken

Showing 1 to 10 of 826 results