Freedom of information
- Summary of version changes to s93A guidelines
- Part 1: Introduction to the Freedom of Information Act 1982
- Part 2: Scope of application of the Freedom of Information Act 1982
- Part 3: Processing and deciding on requests for access
- Part 4: Charges for providing access
- Part 5: Exemptions
- Part 6: Conditional exemptions
- Part 7: Amendment and annotation of personal records
- Part 8: This part has been superseded and the content moved to Part 3
- Part 9: Internal agency review of decisions
- Part 10: Review by the Information Commissioner
- Part 11: Investigations and complaints
- Part 12: Vexatious applicant declarations
- Part 13: Information Publication Scheme
- Part 14: Disclosure log
- Part 15: Reporting
- Glossary
- Summary of the freedom of information review process
- What is the difference between a complaint and an application for review of a freedom of information decision?
- Personal and business information: third-party review rights
- Internal review process
- Quick guide to the direction applicants follow in an Information Commissioner review
- What decisions can the Administrative Appeals Tribunal review?
- What is an agency's role during an Information Commissioner review?
- Part 10 — Review by the Information Commissioner
- Direction as to certain procedures to be followed in Information Commissioner reviews (for agencies). FAQs for agencies and ministers
- Freedom of information guide
- FOIstats guide
- Statement of principles to support proactive disclosure of government-held information
- What is personal information and how does it interact with the Freedom of Information Act 1982
- What freedom of information statistics do agencies and ministers need to produce?
- FOI agency resource Managing increased volume of FOI requests
- Twelve tips for FOI decision makers
- Calculating and imposing charges for FOI access requests
- Processing requests for amendment or annotation of personal records
- Exemptions and conditional exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
- Statement of reasons checklist
- Making a decision on an FOI access request
- Information Publication Scheme (IPS) and Disclosure Log determinations policy and procedure
- Defining an agency
- Sample FOI notices
- Administrative access
- Considering the public interest test
- Engagement checklist – Information Commissioner review compulsory conference
- Submissions checklist – Making submissions following notification of an IC review application (agency or minister)
- Agency Resource – The Deliberative Processes Exemption s 47C
- Self-assessment tool for agencies
- Freedom of Information Practitioners’ Survey 2024