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If you think that information in your My Health Record has been mishandled, contact the healthcare provider or other party you think is at fault to make a complaint. They should generally respond to your complaint in 30 days.

If they don’t respond to your complaint, or you’re not satisfied with their response, you may phone the My Health Record help line on 1800 723 471 and make a complaint.

If the healthcare provider is run by a state or territory government, such as a public hospital, you can complain to the relevant state or territory regulator. If it is not run by a state or territory government, you can lodge a complaint with us.

How we handle a My Health Record complaint

Your complaint must be in writing. We can’t take it over the phone. Write your complaint to us on our privacy complaint form, use the online version or download the Microsoft Word (63KB) version. If you download the Microsoft Word version, either:

  • fax it to (02) 9284 9666
  • mail it to GPO Box 5288, Sydney NSW 2001 (send it by registered mail if you're concerned about sending it by standard post).

After receiving a complaint, we work out if we’re the right organisation or agency to conduct an investigation. There may be situations where we will transfer your complaint to a state or territory privacy or health regulator.

We may not investigate a complaint immediately if a healthcare provider has advised us that they are taking action.

There may be situations where we decide not to investigate or where we will discontinue an investigation.

We’ll attempt to resolve your complaint through conciliation. If appropriate, we may:

  • establish an enforceable undertaking
  • make a determination
  • seek an injunction
  • seek a civil penalty order from a court.

If you have any questions about the personal information we collect when you lodge a complaint, and how we handle it, see our privacy policy or phone our Enquiries Line on 1300 363 992.